25 sept 2013

European Day of Languages

Click on DAY to explore activities.


Click on HAVE to view explanation.
Remember TO HAVE is more useful because it is used in expressions such as "I have breakfast" and "I have a shower"

24 sept 2013

FRIENDS giving advice

Watch the CLIP and check the useful phrases:

I wouldn’t read too much into that (issue, question).

What do you think when..., that’s not a good thing, right?

Let me stop you there, because I think I see where this is going.

I’m not (very) good at giving advice.

If the thing you want advice on is..., go to X.

I wish there was something I could do, you know.

What if you just...

That’s great, I’ll...

Why not? It’s brilliant!

I’m glad I could help (you with...)
How do you think I should...?