27 oct 2017

Vocab for media

Resultado de imagen de stuart engvid

Click on MEDIA to learn useful vocab about the media with Stuart.

Tour of the House of Lords

Resultado de imagen de house of lords

Click on LORDS to take the tour as many times as you like ;-)

Tour of the House of Commons

Resultado de imagen de house of commons

Click on COMMONS to take the tour as many times as you like ;-)

Song about feelings 2

Resultado de imagen de frank sinatra that old feeling

Click on OLD FEELING to view this song again.

Yes, Minister!

Resultado de imagen de yes, minister

Click on MINISTER to watch this fun extract again.

Summary about British media

Resultado de imagen de media in britain  Resultado de imagen de media in britain

Click in MEDIA to watch this informative video again. Remember that we paused it after 3 minutes to write up a summary!