23 ene 2016

Presentation about understanding languages

On Tuesday 26th January, Prf.Dr. Ruslan Mitkov is going to give a presentation from 18:00 until 19:00 in the Salón de Actos. The title is Understanding & Translating Languages; the real pain in the neck for computers and even humans. The presentation will be easy-to-follow and entertaining; in particular, it will finish with a few entertaining slides representing multiword expressions in English which is expected to enhance the knowledge of English of the audience, so I strongly recommend you to attend!!
Prof. Dr. Ruslan Mitkov has been working in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Machine Translation, Translation Technology. He has written several books for Oxford University Press and is a professor at The University of Wolverhampton. Besides, he is an outstanding researcher, so as a Marie Curie Fellow, Dr. Mitkov is currently completing an EC-funded project on Computational Phraseology (LATEST) at the University of Malaga.
Resultado de imagen de languages

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