21 dic 2012

Reading Test

Dear advanced students,
Here is the promised copy of the text you wanted to have:

Sunny Side Up 3

Here are the answers to chapter 3:

Chapter 3
Section A
1. Better-off, intellectual, larger, main; 2. roguish; 3. inimitable, sun-warmed;
4. amiable, octogenarian; 5. worm-eaten, old, outrageous;
6. black, beady, pronounced; 7. unsuspecting / obliging; 8. juicy
9. outside, strange, threatening, sheltered
Section B
1. at, of; 2. in; 3. to, at; 4. in; 5. down, on; 6. to; 7. on; 8. on; 9. for; 10. for
Section D
1. a difficult or unpleasant experience.
2. without much flesh; thin and fit
3. to make someone love you
4. to have a mind and body full of life and energy; to be lively
5. a person that you can easily persuade to do something, especially to give you money
6. to make no progress or have no success
7. to be forgotten because it happened such a long time ago
8. not to use too much of something

Sunny Side Up 1

Here are the answers to chapter 1:

Section A
  1. Bright, lively; 2. Pink, freshly-picked; 3. Narrow, cobbled; 4. charming, easygoing; 5. Idyllic              6. Tourist-packed, cheerful; 7. astronomical; 8. intensely-cultivated, bleak; 9. unreal, astonishing   
Section B
  1. Of, about, of; 2. Off; 3. At; 4. Away, from; 5. Off; 6. Off, from; 7. To, for; 8. On, to
Section D
1.to relax by sittinh, or lying down; enjoy a period of rest from work
2.to accept something
3.in such a way as to secure an agreement/business
4. it was clear to me

19 dic 2012

Basic Criteria

Expresión e interacción escrita
Criterio base
Funciones comunicativas
Cohesión y coherencia
Distribución/organización y signos de puntuación
Conectores y mecanismos de referencia
Riqueza de lenguaje

Expresión e interacción oral
Criterio base
Formato, intervenciones, duración y contenido
Funciones comunicativas
Cohesión y fluidez
Enlace de ideas y estrategias de interacción
Entonación y ritmo
Riqueza de lenguaje

10 dic 2012

Answers for Reading Homework 2NA

Hello! Hope you had a nice bank holiday.
Well, here are the promised and long awaited answers to the last reading pack I handed out to you.
-Part 1 (Chewing Gum Culture) 17-D, 18-A, 19-G, 20-E, 21-B, 22-C
-Part 2 (Eccentrics) 21-A, 22-B, 23-A, 24-D, 25-C
-Part 3 (The Legend of the Root) 16-to, 17-as, 18-so, 19-be, 20-despite, 21-like, 22-in, 23-this, 24-have/ cause/produce, 25-which/that, 26-no, 27-it, 28-such, 29-how, 30-more

Tomorrow Tuesday 11th class is cancelled. Writing and some speakings on Thursday 13th. Listening and Reading and rest of speakings on Tuesday 18th.